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  • 2014-01-03 04:51:28
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지구의 가장 놀라운 사진

알래스카 파블로프 화산이 폭발하자 쏟아져 나오는 연기, 호주의 거대한 그레이트 샌디 사막이 붉은빛으로 물든 모습…. 마치 한 폭의 그림처럼 보이는 사진이 가득하지요?


이 사진들은 최근 미국 항공우주국(NASA)이 지난해 촬영하고 최근 발표한 ‘가장 놀라운 지구 사진 13’입니다. 공개된 13장의 사진은 NASA의 인공위성이나 국제우주정거장의 우주비행사가 지구 밖에서 촬영한 것들이지요.


저절로 감탄사가 나오는 사진들이지만 마냥 아름답지만은 않아요. 2013년 11월 필리핀을 휩쓸고 간 대형태풍 ‘하이옌’을 찍은 사진과 페루 아마존 강 주변의 숲이 줄어들고 있는 사진도 있어 우리에게 지구온난화로 인한 환경파괴의 심각성을 생각해보게 합니다.


▶김보민 기자 gomin@donga.com

The Landsat 8 satellite, launched by NASA and operated by the USGS, spotted new deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon on Aug. 28, 2013. NASA 제공
Pavlof volcano in the Aleutian arc erupts in this image captured by astronauts on the International Space Station on May 18, 2013.
This image sand dunes in Australia’s Great Sandy Desert was taken by an astronaut on the International Space Station on Mar. 25, 2013.
Supertyphoon Haiyan the day before it made landfall in the Philippines. The coast of the Philippines can be seen outlined on the far left of the image. Captured by NASA’s Aqua satellite on Nov. 7 2013.
This image of Reno, Nevada at night was captured by a astronaut on the International Space Station on Jan. 28, 2013.
Running left to right through the center of this image is the scar from the EF-5 tornado that ran through Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013 killing at least 24, injuring 377 and likely topping $2 billion in damages. Captured by NASA’s Terra satellite on June 2, 2013.
Russia’s Taz River was free from ice when the NASA/USGS Landsat 8 satellite took this image on July 4. In the image below, the Taz River is still iced over on June 9 and beginning to thaw on June 18.
The Torres del Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia as captured on Jan. 21, 2013 by NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite.
An astronaut on the International Space Station took this photo on Jan. 10, 2013 of an eruption on Sakurajima, one of Japan’s most active volcanoes.
어린이동아 취재팀 kids@donga.com

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