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  •  [CNN 핀토 기자의 스포츠 칼럼]Marvelous Mourinho record falls - but wil
  • 어린이동아 취재팀
  • 2011-05-09 05:05:38
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Nothing lasts forever. We hear it all the time, yet I have to admit I was shocked when Jose Mourinho’s home unbeaten league streak came to an end on Saturday in Spain.
This has to be hailed as one of the most impressive runs in the history of sport. He went 150 games without suffering a single home defeat in domestic championships with four clubs in four countries across nine years. No other coach in any other major sport has come close to this amazing record, and in my opinion no-one else ever will.
What makes this streak most impressive is that sport is so unpredictable and reliant on chance. The outcome of a game often depends on the bounce of a ball or the rub of the green. Sometimes it goes your way, sometimes it doesn't.
That means that as a coach, during any given game, you can only do so much to minimize the impact of those certain variables you cannot control, and it is for his work in this department that Mourinho deserves the most praise. His preparation work with his players, both tactically and psychologically, is nothing short of awesome….


CNN’s Pedro Pinto is a CNN sports anchor based in London, covering sport around the world. For more go to www.cnn.com/worldsport

어린이동아 취재팀 kids@donga.com

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