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  • 어린이동아 취재팀
  • 2011-03-28 04:52:58
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Has Rooney joined the ranks of football's immortals?

Great footballers are defined by career-changing moments. And great goals can secure them a place in both the history books and the minds and hearts of supporters across the world.
These are moments that carry more importance than just an example of on-pitch technical exc-ellence, they can win titles or turn around a team's fortunes - or a nation's hopes.
If you are a football fan, then I am sure you will have seen or know about the following goals:
The 17-year-old Pele's first goal against Sweden in the 1958 World Cup final, which Brazil went on to win 5-2.
Diego Maradona's stunning second strike against England, which followed his infamous “Hand of God” goal in the same match and helped Argentina win the quarterfinal on the way to victory at the 1986 World Cup.
Zinedine Zidane's volley against Bayer Lever-kusen in the final of the 2002 Champions League, which gave Real Madrid a record ninth European crown and completed the French legend's collection of elite titles.
Leo Messi's mesmerizing solo goal against Getafein the semifinals of the Spanish Cup in 2007, which marked him as Maradona's natural heir….

CNN’s Pedro Pinto is a CNN sports anchor based in London, covering sport around the world. For more go to www.cnn.com/worldsport

어린이동아 취재팀 kids@donga.com

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