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  •  [CNN 핀토 기자의 스포츠 칼럼]The best and worst deals of a dramatic de
  • 어린이동아 취재팀
  • 2011-03-07 04:43:23
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Wow, what a day! If you went to bed early, you missed one of the most exciting conclusions ever to a European transfer window. I was honestly shocked at how many players moved on Monday and at how much money was spent, especially in the English Premier League.
Leading up to the final day of the mid-season transfer window, one of the stories had been how Chelsea had not spent a single dime on players. Even though their aging squad looked burned out and incapable of winning any silverware this season, Blues'
owner Roman Abramovich kept the key to his well-stocked safe well hidden.
Well someone or something must have told him to spend, spend, spend! By the end of play on Monday he had dished out an incredible $114 million on Spain Fernando Torres and David Luiz of Brazil.
Let's start by analyzing the purchase of Torres. Even though he has endured a very tough season, his numbers at Liverpool are still phenomenal. Overall, he scored 81 in 142 games for the Reds. Explaining why Chelsea signed him is easy, especially if you consider the fact he scored 7 times in 7 games against the Blues.
It is also easy to explain why “El Nino” wanted to leave Anfield. After enduring several years at Atletico Madrid playing second fiddle to Real and Barcelona, the last thing he wanted to do was to spend a decade at Liverpool without winning a single trophy. And let's face it, the Reds are in transition, and it will be a while before they can compete for major honors.
What about the money? Well $80 million is a LOT of money, the most ever spent by an English club in fact. Would I have paid that much? Never. At this moment in time I believe Torres should have been valued at about 60% of that amount….

미국의 세계적 뉴스채널인 CNN 페드로 핀토 기자가 어린이동아 독자들을 위해 쓰는 스포츠 칼럼을 매주 1회 연재합니다. 부모님 선생님과 함께 영어로 스포츠 뉴스를 공부하고 의미를 훼손하지 않기 위해 영어 원문만 싣습니다. 평창 겨울올림픽 개최를 응원하며 기회가 되면 한국을 꼭 방문하고 싶다고 했습니다. -편집자-

어린이동아 취재팀 kids@donga.com

위 기사의 법적인 책임과 권한은 어린이동아에 있습니다.

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