  •  [신나는 NIE/뉴욕타임스와 함께]My Family’s Experiment in Extreme Schooli
  • 어린이동아 취재팀
  • 2011-10-21 03:44:28
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뉴욕타임스의 기자가 러시아 특파원으로 가면서 영어를 쓰는 국제학교 대신 현지 학교에 세 자녀를 입학시켰습니다. 러시아어를 전혀 모르는 아이들은 벙어리 신세가 되었습니다. 혼란과 외로움을 겪으면서 고군분투한 5년 후 어떻게 되었을까요? 여러분은 다른 나라로 가서 살고 싶나요?


정리 & 구성=이수경 기자 ysk@donga.com  

The author's son, Emmett, eating with his classmates at the New Humanitarian School in Moscow. The New York Times 본사 특약

Three American siblings attend an experimental school in Moscow where instruction is only in Russian and classes are videotaped to improve teaching. The New York Times 본사 특약
○QUESTIONS How would you react to moving to a foreign country and attending classes taught in a different language?
What would be the benefits and drawbacks?
Do you think the reporter made the right decision to send his children to a local school, instead of an English-speaking international school?
What cultural adjustments do you think you might have to make?
Would you want to try living abroad? If you’ve already had such an experience, what was it like?


어린이동아 취재팀 kids@donga.com

위 기사의 법적인 책임과 권한은 어린이동아에 있습니다.

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