  •  [신나는 NIE/뉴욕타임스와 함께]2 by 2, or Not, Zoo Animals Escape Flood
  • 어린이동아 취재팀
  • 2011-07-08 04:17:32
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미국에서 물난리가 났어요. 다음 기사는 홍수가 나자 동물들을 어떻게 대피시켰는지를 다룬 내용입니다. 보기에서 적절한 단어를 찾아 써넣어 보세요. 다른 적절한 단어로 바꿔 써도 좋습니다.


Sarah Schoenberg of the Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot, N.D., prepared a flamingo for transport to another zoo on higher ground. The New York Times 본사 특약
Flooding of the Souris River and high waters that had been predicted for Minot, N.D., arrived in full force on Friday. The New York Times 본사 특약
A lamb named Noah, who has become the mascot for the zoo's operation, has been granted some freedom to wander. The New York Times 본사 특약
Jordan Wald, a zookeeper, with one of the camels, which have staged escape attempts and flicked light switches with their tongues. TheNewYorkTimes본사특약
A pair of reindeer in their temporary home in an old furniture warehouse, where the Roosevelt Park Zoo has relocated. TheNewYorkTimes본사특약

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